The Production

Documentary | 1h 30 min | 2021 | HD & 4K
Audio language: English
Directed by: Justine Moyle
Produced by: Jo Austin
Story Producer: Emily O'Connell
Director of Photography: Dane Howell
Editor: Rolando Olalia
Additional Cinematography:
Campbell Brown
Derek Bannar
Eric Graham
Jackson Finter
James Holman
Jeff Grainger
Jon Kelly
Justine Moyle
Matthew Austin
Nick Hodgskin
Paul Moses
Cameron Flaherty
Asst. Editors: Sean McDermott & Henry Stafford
Music: John Vella & Benjamin Corbett
Production: Jo-Anne Brechin & Emer Brannelly
Animation & Art: Babekuhl & Poppy Olsen
Audio & Mix: Unison Sound
Colour & Online: Matt Fezz
Stills Photography: Dean Tirkot
Poster Design: Myles McAlister
Production Accountant: Neo Numerist
Production Lawyer: Mirabello
Publicist: Kirrilly Sams
Production Company: Candid Films, Australia